Can’t tell you how good it was to see these two working together….
What you have here are not just two incredibly talented players…you have two of the most savvy brains ever to have played the game…
Mohamed knows himself and his game better than any other player and knew Rod was the man who could give him what he needed to regain the World number One position once again…
I’m also pretty sure that if Rod hadn’t known 100% that he could do it he simply wouldnt have got involved…then of course the player (Mohamed) has to carry out their plan incredibly well or it all goes to shit no matter how accurate the plan…
Since lockdown ive watched the MES / Farag match a few times..not the best match ever and certainly not MES at his absolute best …
BUT its an utter masterclass in tactics…possibly more than any match ive ever seen….actually think i’ll watch it again later……