The Asal Saga Latest – FAKE NEWS HE SAYS!!!!

To be honest, we were trying not to talk about the “AsalGate’ affair.

First, because some other media do controversy much better than us, but also because we felt that the more we talk about it, the more publicity we give to a state of affairs we deeply deplore.

“What would Malcolm say”?

But two days ago, Mr Asal’s Father published a “statement” which clearly accuses officials, sponsors, players, and of course, the Egyptian Federation of conspiring for years against his son.

All the accusations against Mostafa? … FAKE NEWS we learn in that statement. It’s all an immense plot against “the most amazing player of all time, the victim of it all”. All of it. Fake News.

We are not going to comment. But given the amount of interest the “Asal banned for six weeks” story generated, we thought that you would be able to read the statement, along with a Tweet from Mr Asal’s son three days ago, as Ramadan started. Hit the google translate.

Mr Mahmoud Asal Statement on FaceBook



He (may He be exalted) said: “And do not think that Allah is oblivious to what the oppressors do, but He delays them until the day when the eyes are diagnosed, and their heads are masked, and their limbs and hearts do not return to them with air.”

Mr Mostafa Asal on Twitter