Jean Stockdale ( North Walsham): A poem & James Zug


To James,

So sorry to hear the sad news about Malcolm; he was great and I think about him often.

Malcolm was a wonderful coach. It was in the 1980s when a group of ladies attended ‘Ladies Morning’ at Rossi’s in North Walsham every Monday morning. We must have improved as he then organised matches with other teams for us,

He may still have some poems I wrote – a couple of verses of one entitled A Farewell Ode:

We’ll practise the drops, the volleys and drives;
And hold our racquets firm.
We won’t strike the ball while moving our feet,
Which we know always makes you squirm!
But how different our Mondays are going to be
Without that voice from the back,
“Go on….go on…..go on…..go on….
You can get there, you’re on the right track.

Many more verses and more poems which I still look at from time to time.