Fram Reports
Oh boy. Don’t start me on John. He was probably the most flamboyant personality on and off court. I just started SquashSite with Steve Cubbins in 2003, and he was at his peak. He was based in Nottingham at the time – hence not too far away from London where I lived at the time.
We met so many times on the events – a lot organised by Eventis (Tim Garner, Peter Nicol, Angus Kirkland fonded it in 2002), but also League matches, Super Series, British, ToC, Saudi, Bermuda…
He was spending a lot of time in Pontefract as well, that was a strong link for me too. “You’ll never make it on the Tour” Malcolm Willstrop told John and David Palmer the first time they came to Ponte, while John was trying to pierce the front wall with his incredibly powerful shots. Malc loved to tell that story…
He was the wittiest and funniest of them all off-court. And one of the most talented/determined/hard to beat/fun to watch on-court.
The day he told me he was to retire – I remember, it was a sunny day, think it was Liverpool or something that like – I knew immediately I was losing a huge source of entertainment, talent, but most of all, of friendship. Off to the States he went.
Drexel was the winner. And we were the losers.

Robert Graham at the keyboard
Yet another former world #1 is the latest Meet The Pro guest…John White. One of the nicest guys you’ll meet, so talented, and a unique playing style, and he gives an answer to one of the questions that truly made me laugh out loud…(but he might mean it 😂). Thanks, John!
- What years did you compete professionally and what was your highest ranking?
1991-2008, world number 1 in 2004.
2. What was the one top highlight of your career?
Reaching world number 1 status after a long hard road of training, determination, and self belief.
3. Favorite tournament you played in?
Tournament of Champions (New York) and Bermuda Open.
4. Favorite memory from the tour?
Visiting so many lovely countries, getting to know/understand so many cultures, meeting and extending the friendship tree worldwide.
5. Where are you from originally?
Born in Mount Isa, North Queensland. Moved to Townsville/Alligator Creek at the age of 9 for the rest of my junior career before moving to Brisbane to join the Australian Institute of Sport.
6. Where do you live now?
Philadelphia, PA, USA.
7. What are you doing now?
College Coach at Drexel University, Philadelphia.
8. Do you still play?
As much as I can, or as much as the body allows me 😬
9. A former or current player you admire that might surprise people?
Brett Martin growing up, and this day and age for people to watch out for, Matias Knudsen.
10. A coach of any era you admire?
11. Advice to an aspiring Pro?
Put the work in, don’t listen to everyone out there, and most of all, enjoy the journey you are taking.
12. Best general squash advice?
Control the chaos on court!