When Robert Graham chats to Legend Sarah Fitz-Gerald

Robert Graham Chats to Dame Susan

Fram Gommendy reports:
Back in May, Santa Barbara School of Squash Executive Director Robert Graham decided to start a FB page. And “Squash for Good was born.

I am a member. It’s not a big group, but I like the tone and respectful atmosphere of the discussions. A few interviews caught my eye in ‘Meet The Pro’: one on Dame Susan Devoy, more recently one of Sarah Fitz-Gerald. It’s short, well-written, and informative. It looks like SquashSite tone me thought.

Robert, you’ve been SquashSited.

Robert Graham Interviews Sarah Fitz-Gerald

I am SO lucky. Another legend I’m honored to call a friend is our next guest to answer the Meet A Pro questions…five time world champion, Sarah Fitz-Gerald. Thank you, Sarah!

1. What years did you compete professionally and what was your highest ranking?

I turned professional in January 1987 and retired in February 2003. My highest World ranking was #1 (1996-98, 2001-3).

2. Where are you from originally

I’m from Melbourne, Australia – Bayside suburb of Sandringham to be precise.

3. Where do you live now?

When I retired I moved back to Sandringham in Melbourne for about 15 years, but 4 years ago I moved to the country – approx 2 hours north of the city.

4. What are you doing now?

I’m still involved with squash by volunteering my time on committees at all levels of the game from World Squash, Squash Australia to Squash & Racquetball Victoria….

5. Do you still play?

Sadly I haven’t played competitively for a long time as my left knee doesn’t like me much and the closest squash court is approx 40 mins away. I did do a charity day about 4 months ago and everything hurt for a week…so have quietly slipped back into retirement 🙂

6. Favorite tournament you played in?

Where do I start? :)……hard to put one over another. World Open and British Open for their prestige, history and the mental difficulty of actually winning those events…and my beloved Australian and Victorian Open titles…..but loved travelling to new places/countries to play…especially in North America….I have a real soft spot (big love actually) for Canada and Alaska.

7. A former or current player you admire that might surprise people?

No surprises really…..obvious are Jonah (Barrington), Geoff (Hunt), and Heather (McKay), as I grew up knowing and understanding what they did for professional and Australian squash…..I was just one of the many Aussies who followed the path set by those three.

8. A coach of any era you admire?

All coaches…beginners can make huge improvements, while professionals are chasing 1% improvement…..that takes skill, knowledge, patience, dedication and enjoyment waiting to see the smile or results. Coaches ride highs and lows with their players….so it’s emotional for them too.

9. Advice to an aspiring Pro?

Be the best you can be…..love what you do…it’s pretty amazing playing sport and travelling the world as your job.

10. Best general squash advice?

My favourite shot in the game was the volley…..learn to look for it, use it and love it…